2014 Election

Mayor, six (6) Councillors and nine (9) School Trustees are elected for a four (4) year term.


The 2014 General Local Election results are (by highest number of votes): 


Barbara Desjardins (3,180)


Susan Low (2,749)
Tim Morrison (2,550)
Beth Burton-Krahn (2,347)
Meagan Brame (2,535)
Lynda Hundleby (2,345)
Olga Liberchuk (1,809)

A total of 4,407 voters — 30% of eligible voters — turned out to vote at the advance polls and on General Voting Day - November 15, 2014. This is an increase from the 2011 election, in which 2,300 residents voted.

Please click here for the 2014 General Local Election Report, which includes:

  1. Declaration of Official Election Results - Mayor
  2. Declaration of Official Election Results - Councillor
  3. Determination of Official Election Results, General Local Election - 2014
  4. Ballot Account for Advance Voting
  5. Ballot Account for General Voting

Non-Binding Ballot Questions

At its September 29, 2014 Council meeting, Esquimalt Council ratified a resolution to put two non-binding questions on the 2014 municipal ballot.

The wording of the ballot questions is as follows:

1.  Are you in favour of the Township of Esquimalt exploring options to achieve efficiencies by further sharing some services with other municipalities?

Results: Yes (3,731), No (578)

2.  Are you in favour of exploring the reduction of the number of municipalities within Greater Victoria through amalgamation?

Results: Yes (2,905), No (1,404)

The questions were intended to seek community input and gauge public opinion within the Township on important topics that affect the municipality.