Traffic Updates

Road work, events and other Township projects may affect traffic in your neighbourhood. Please be aware of upcoming activities in Esquimalt. 

Please respect traffic control personnel.
DatesAffected areaEventDetails
Jan 13-17899 Esquimalt RoadConstructionNorthbound lane closure on Head St between Esquimalt and Wollaston from 9 am to 3 pm. Pedestrian access will be maintained on west side of roadway.
Jan 6- (approx) March 10 Hutchinson Avenue, between Rockheights Avenue and Lockley RoadWater main workThe City of Victoria will be replacing the aged cast iron water mains located on Hutchinson Avenue. Please be advised that this project will include the installation of a new water main along Hutchinson Avenue and a hydrant replacement on Rockheights Avenue. Contact with questions/comments.

*Note that this list may not include all projects by BC Hydro, Fortis or other external service providers.