Sport Fields

Field status

  • Bullen Park is CLOSED. (updated March 24, 2025) 7:32am
  • Brodeur Field is CLOSED. (updated March 24, 2025) 7:32am

Find the location of these fields and facilities on the Esquimalt Parks Map

Inspection details:

Inspections occur daily during the business week to determine field status. Parks staff report on weekend conditions prior to 12 noon on Fridays. This status applies for the entire weekend until further inspections and reports to the website are updated.

Fields are closed to prevent situations that may lead to player injury and degradation of the field surfaces. Conditions that warrant field closures are:

  • Standing water
  • Frozen or snow covered field surface
  • Excessive wear
  • Excessive frost
  • Weather forecasts stating inclement weather

Field descriptions:

Bullen Field

At two hectares, Bullen Field is large enough for a number of organized field sports such as softball, soccer and rugby. The entire field is also used for single special events that draw the community and neighbours from other parts of the Capital Region. Located at Lyall and Fraser Streets, between the Esquimalt Recreation Centre and the Archie Browning Sports Centre.

Lacrosse Box

The Lacrosse Box is used year round for team practices, lacrosse camps and competitions hosted by the Victoria Esquimalt Lacrosse Association's Minor division. It may also be reserved for outdoor hockey.

Brodeur Field

This sport field is shared with l’Ecole Victor Brodeur and can be accessed from Old Esquimalt Road or Head Street. It contains one baseball diamond, a soccer pitch, and a crushed rock walking path around the perimeter of the field. Parking is available off Head Street on weekdays after 6 p.m. or on weekends.

Lampson Park

This 1.7 hectare ball park is home to the Lions Minor Baseball Association—youth baseball ages 3-12. 
Complete with two youth baseball diamonds, a batting cage, concession, washrooms and bleachers, it has hosted numerous seasons of games and competitions.

Field bookings

  • For information about booking a park or a playing field, contact Tatum Hillis by email or by phone at 250-412-8525.
  • Find out how to get a Special Event Permit for larger events and park or sport field bookings.