Service directory

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Municipal hall general inquiries250-414-7100 
Recreation programs, schedules and registration250-412-8500Find programs and schedules
Parks & trees250-412-8508Report damaged trees
Police, fire, ambulance (emergency)911 
Police (non-emergency)250-995-7654Report a crime or traffic complaint
Fire (non-emergency)250-414-7126Fire safety
Animal control/pound (Victoria Animal Control Services)250-414-0233VACS website
Animal shelter (SPCA)250-388-7722BC SPCA
Building permits &
Business licenses250-414-7136Learn more
Bylaw enforcement250-414-7161Make a bylaw complaint
Development services (planning)
Dog licenses250-414-7136Learn more
Electricity (BC Hydro)1-800-224-9376BC Hydro
Electricity (report a power outage)1-888-769-3766 
Facility bookings250-412-8525 
Garbage information/ scheduling/reported misses250-414-7108Report
Gas utility (Fortis BC gas)1-888-224-2710 
(24 hours)
Gas emergencies1-800-663-9911 
Gas (call before you dig)
Graffiti removal250-414-7108More information
Parking complaints250-414-7161Report
Pay fines250-414-7161 
Property assessment (BC Assessment)250-479-7131
CRD recycling hotline250-360-3030Recycling guide
Road or sidewalk clearing250-414-7108Report
Sewer emergencies (during business hours)250-414-7108 

Sewer emergencies (after hours)

Note: this number is for VicPD who will then contat the relevant Esquimalt staff 
extension 1
Street lights (report problems)250-414-7158Report
Taxes250-414-7136Property tax information
Water utility (City of Victoria)250-361-0313Water rates
Water conservation (CRD)250-474-9684Website
Zoning inquiries250-414-7103