Green Shores at Esquimalt Gorge Park

Spring 2024 update

Drawings for the Green Shores project have been finalized and construction is anticipated to begin in the fall of 2024.

The Esquimalt Gorge Park Green Shores Demonstration Project is part of an ongoing collaborative effort to restore and protect the Gorge Waterway, a crucial ecosystem in the heart of Victoria.

Construction on this shoreline rehabilitation project is scheduled to begin in September 2024 during the summer window, when fish populations, including their eggs, juveniles, and spawning adults, are at least at risk. Leading up to this, project partners have been busy sharing information about Green Shores nature-based approaches to shoreline protection with interested community members at events such as the Esquimalt Farmers Market and the Township of Esquimalt’s Earth Day Celebration at Highrock Park on April 17th.   Further information regarding design elements, timing, and the objectives of the Green Shores Demonstration Site will be provided on signage soon to be mounted at Esquimalt Gorge Park. Plans are also underway to provide Green Shores Training to people interested in learning more about nature-based solutions and how they can protect shoreline properties and enhance coastal resiliency. An open House with Songhees and Esquimalt First Nations will highlight the cultural significance of this important site. 

About the project

The project is an important step forward in the ongoing effort to restore and protect the Gorge Waterway, a crucial ecosystem in the heart of Victoria. This innovative, collaborative shoreline restoration project demonstrates nature-based solutions on the shoreline through implementation of the Green Shores® framework . 

The Gorge Park Green Shores for Shoreline Development (GSSD) Demonstration project will help to address the impacts of climate change such as erosion and flooding, while also improving the health of the local ecosystems.

The project will remove anthropogenic (human-made) materials and regrade the hardened estuarine shoreline to create a more natural profile as protection against sea level rise. It will also enhance salt marsh habitat and establish native vegetation in the upland riparian areas (where the land meets the water). These features will provide valuable habitat for fish and wildlife.

About the site

The restoration project area is most closely accessed from Sioux Place and located at the mouth of Gorge Creek adjacent to where recent salmon habitat restoration has been completed by CSS.  The area to be restored includes the shoreline and nearby upland areas.

This particular site was identified through an extensive feasibility study that assessed important environmental, economic and social criteria at a number of locations in the Gorge and Portage Inlet area.

Why are we doing this?

Shorelines are a critical component of the aquatic food web and restoration of these areas supports iconic species such as salmon and orcas. The use of nature-based solutions to carry out restoration is being recognized globally as an important measure to develop community resiliency to climate change. 


The project is planned for the five year period (2021-2026), as part of initiatives of the Township of Esquimalt and through a project called Resilient Coasts for Salmon being co-delivered by SCBC/PSF. The focus to date has been on collaborative planning and design. Work is also underway to engage with Songhees Nation and Esquimalt Nation, and to obtain required permits. Construction of the restoration site is anticipated for the fall of 2024..

Partners & funders

Partners and funders for the Esquimalt Gorge Park Green Shores Demonstration Project include the Township of Esquimalt, the Capital Regional DistrictCoastal Collaborative SciencesResilient Coasts for Salmon (a collaborative project between the Pacific Salmon Foundation and the Stewardship Centre for BC), the Province of BC, and esteemed members of the Esquimalt Gorge Park Technical Advisory Committee (TAC).  You can read more about Green Shores on SCBC’s website and visit Esquimalt Gorge Park to see firsthand how Green Shores approaches are being applied in your community.