2025 recreation membership and drop-in rates
Single | 10 Admissions | 25 Admissions | 1 Month | 3 Month | 6 Month | 1 Year | |
ADULT | $6.50 | $58.50 | $136.50 | $65.50 | $124.75 | $234.00 | $400.00 |
SENIOR (60+) & STUDENT | $5.00 | $45.00 | $105.00 | $51.50 | $100.00 | $184.00 | $308.00 |
CHILD/YOUTH (6-18 YRS) | $3.50 | $31.50 | $73.50 | $32.00 | $59.00 | $100.00 | $170.00 |
FAMILY | $13.00 | $117.00 | $273.00 | $132.00 | $255.00 | $468.00 | $800.00 |
Membership & Admission Policies:
- Membership pricing determined by age at time of purchase
- Current Student ID required for drop in rate; proof of enrollment is required for memberships. Student rates apply to full time students only
- Family living in the same household. Maximum of 2 adults and up to 3 children/youth.
- No administrative fees on payment plans for Esquimalt or Regional Recreation Passes (available for 6-month or 1 year only). $20 NSF fee applied on declined payments.
- Pass cancellation is available on 6-month and 1-year passes. The pass cancellation fee is equivalent to the cost of one month of the pass.
- Regional Passes, 10x, 25x, 1-month, and 3-month passes are final sale.
- Passes are not transferable.
- Replacement Access Cards: $2
- Replacement LIFE & Regional Cards: $5

Annual regional pass
Take advantage of all that regional recreation has to offer. One pass, 14 locations for just $570. Purchase through the Esquimalt Recreation Centre.