Esquimalt Recreation Centre offers Out of School Care Programs licensed by the Vancouver Island Health Authority for School Aged Care. Children ages 5-12 (must be currently attending or completed kindergarten) and be enrolled at Macaulay Elementary School to enroll and participate.
Out of School Care Registration 2023/2024
Before School Care - SPACE AVAILABLE
After School Care - FULL with WAITLIST
OSC Application Requirements
- Read the Parent Handbook 2023/2024 so you are able to accept all terms Parent Handbook 2023/2024 available HERE
- Child’s BC Health Care Card #
- Child’s Full Immunization Records
- Child’s Family Doctor Name or Preferred Walk-in clinic Name and Office Phone #
- Min 2 Emergency/Alternate Pick-up Contacts Names & Phone #s
- Any other Alternate Pick-up Persons Names & Phone #
- Digital Photo of Child, headshot for Emergency Card
- Custody Documents (if applicable)
- Banking Info: Credit Card or VOID Cheque to pay fees
New OSC Participants - Steps to Apply:
Read the Parent Handbook 2023/2024 available HERE
1. NEW for this year: Complete Online Emergency Form 2023/2024 School Year HERE before April 18th at 7:00am
2. April 18th at 7:00am Register your child(s) to the online WAITLIST - Before & After School Care 2023/2024 - that's it!
3. The Program Supervisor will contact you when a spot becomes available. If your child is offered a spot then more information will be requested: Child Immunization Records, Child Photo, Banking Info etc.
Current OSC Participants - Steps to Apply:
- NEW for this year: Complete Online Emergency Form 2023/2024 School Year HERE
- Complete 2023/2024 Before/After School Care Application Form (fillable PDF) that was emailed to you by the Program Supervisor on April 14, 2023.
- On April 18st Email the following items:
- 2023/2024 Before & After School Program Application Form
- Child’s Immunization Records
- Child’s Photo (recent headshot for Emergency Card) attach to email
Participant Priority Registration Order:
- Current participants applying for exactly what they’re currently registered in as of April 2023
- Current Before School Care participants wanting After Care
- Siblings of current participants entering OSC
- 2022/2023 Preschool participants
- New applicants
Out of School Care
Available Programs
- School Year Programs (Macaulay Elementary School only)
- Spring Break & Summer Break Camps - See Camps page
Before School Care: Need to start work before the school doors open? Then register your child in our before care program! Our childcare staff will look after your child as early as 6:30am. Children are divided up into groups based on age and will be playing games, making crafts, reading books and many other fun activities. At 8:30 children are walked to the school by staff to start their school day.
- Location: Esquimalt Recreation Centre
- Program Time: 6:30am-9:00am
After School Care: Enjoy being free from the stress of making it off work in time to pick up your child! Our after school care childcare staff will pick up the kids at the school and bring them back to the rec centre. Enrolled children are split into groups based on age. Groups participate in scheduled activities that include gym time, arts & crafts, circle games, even skating & swimming once a month! Parents can pick up any time before 6:00pm.
- Location: Esquimalt Recreation Centre
- Program Time: 2:37pm-6:00pm (Monday - Friday)
Pro D Day & Winter Break Camps
Registration for non-OSC registered families is now open. Register online through the link below or call reception at 250-412-8500.
Pro-D Days, Early Dismissal, and Winter/Spring Breaks are all separate registrations and are not included in regular Out of School Care fees
Affordable Childcare Benefit
Eligible families can apply for the Affordable Child Care Benefit (ACCB). For more information and to see if you qualify visit
Request an ACCB Form by emailing
Support Needs
Children that require Extra Support: If your child requires extra support or qualifies for funding through Supported Child Development or Aboriginal Supported Child Development please contact the OSC Supervisor prior to registration at
If your child carries an epi-pen or inhaler please complete the appropriate form or, if your child takes any other medication during program time please complete the appropriate Emergency Medical Care Form:
- Emergency Medical Care - Anaphylaxis
- Emergency Medical Care - Asthma
- Permission to Administer Medication Form
For more information on Out of School Care Programs, please contact:
the Out of School Care Supervisor, at or 250-412-8512