Building permits
What is a building permit ?
The purpose of a building permit is to ensure that building plans are in compliance with the B.C. Building Code as well as municipal bylaws, regulations and policies. Building permits are issued by Esquimalt’s Building Inspector.
Building inspections
- Issues building, plumbing, demolition, and sign permits – The building inspector processes applications and reviews building plans to ensure compliance with the B.C. Building Code, and municipal bylaws, regulations, and policies.
- Performs site inspections – Site inspections are required to determine that conditions set out in a building permit have been satisfied and they are performed at various stages of construction. A final inspection is required upon completion of a project and before an occupancy permit can be issued.
- Discusses work with contractors and property owners – The building inspector provides explanations of building code and bylaw requirements, reviews preliminary building plans to determine compliance with regulations, provides interpretations of the BC Building Code, and discusses appropriate construction methods.
- To book an inspection, book it online. Twenty-four hours notice is required for inspection to allow for staff scheduling.
More information
Energy-saving upgrades and rebates.
Based on your household income, the CleanBC Income Qualified Program offers enhanced rebates to make energy-saving home upgrades more affordable. This includes heat pumps and other improvements.