Council Meeting with Public Hearings

  • August 29, 7:00 pm
  • Type
    Council Meetings
    Event address
    1229 Esquimalt Road
    Event location
    Esquimalt Municipal Hall

    This meeting will include two public hearings as follows:

    • Public Hearing Notice - 861 and 863 Esquimalt Road - Zoning Bylaw amendment to allow a development consisting of 6 storeys and 43 residential units.
    • Public Hearing Notice - 904 Admirals Road - Zoning Bylaw amendment to facilitate the future subdivision of the lot, currently zoned RD-1 [Two Family Residential], and the construction of a new Two-Family Dwelling with Secondary Suites to the East of the existing Two-Family Dwelling.

    Council meetings in Esquimalt are held on the first and third Monday of every month, unless the meeting falls on a statutory holiday. 

    Council meetings are open to the public unless council passes a resolution to go In Camera to deal with issues of a confidential nature, usually related to finances, personnel, property or legal matters. You can also view council meetings online, and download agendas and minutes on our Legistar site.

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