Archie Browning Centre resumes role as vaccine clinic


News release

For immediate release


Esquimalt, BC—Starting in early January, the Township of Esquimalt’s Archie Browning Sports Centre will once again be the site of a vaccine clinic. The centre was transformed into a vaccine clinic in spring of 2021 but resumed normal services in the fall. Now a portion of the centre, specifically the curling rink, will be used by Island Health to administer vaccines.

“The township is proud to be a part of the public health effort to increase our community’s protection against COVID-19,” said Mayor Barbara Desjardins. “We know this early ice closure must be truly frustrating for our curling community and appreciate their understanding. Curling has a long history in Esquimalt and we hope for a full season next year.”

The clinic’s exact opening date is pending, however there is no more access to the curling rink in order to facilitate clinic setup. Township staff are in the process of reaching out to user groups to advise them of changes. Ice hockey and public skating will be unaffected by the clinic, although like other activities, may be subject to changes in public health restrictions. 

The Archie Browning Sports Centre will be added to Island Health’s online site list when the hours of operations are confirmed and appointments are available for booking.

People should contact Island Health with clinic questions at and are asked not to contact the sports centre directly.

Go to for updates on how public health restrictions are affecting recreation services.


For vaccine information contact


Island Health online information


Towship of Esquimalt contact

Tara Zajac, Manager of Communications
