Esquimalt residents are advised that over the next several weeks Esquimalt Fire Rescue will be conducting training exercises on a recently purchased ladder fire truck. The training exercises will take place throughout the community and will include vehicle handling, pump and ladder operation, and building access practice. These exercises will not include use of the emergency siren.
The truck—which replaces a 34-year-old Snorkel truck—is equipped with a 105 foot rear mount ladder and pumps water at a rate of 2000 gallons a minute.
“This vehicle is very versatile and is a vast improvement over the Snorkel,” said Fire Chief David Ward. “It has a higher reach, more power and water capacity, modern lockouts and safety features, and it can go below grade to perform over-the-bank rescues.”
For more information, please contact:
Gord Anderson, Deputy Fire Chief, Township of Esquimalt
Tel: 250-414-7127