McLoughlin Point Wastewater Treatment Plant Open House: Public Input Invited on Proposed Community Amenities


The Township of Esquimalt will be holding an open house on January 23, 2017 to invite public comment on community amenities associated with the proposed McLoughlin Point Wastewater Treatment Plant.

What: Open House on McLoughlin Point Community Amenities
Where: Council Chambers, Esquimalt Municipal Hall, 1229 Esquimalt Road
When: Monday, January 23, 2017, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.*

The Township of Esquimalt and the Core Area Wastewater Treatment Project Board of the Capital Regional District have been negotiating community amenities as part of the McLoughlin Point rezoning process. The focus has been on creating an amenity package that provides the best overall value to the community.

Up to 24 individual amenities have been identified, but not all can be accommodated. Esquimalt Council is seeking feedback from residents on these amenities. 

The open house will feature display boards on the amenities, proposed wastewater treatment plant renderings, project timeline and background information on the McLoughlin Point Wastewater Treatment Plant proposal.

Staff and Council members will be on hand to answer questions. Written submissions are also encouraged at the open house.  

*As there is a Council meeting at 7 p.m. the open house will conclude at approximately 6:45 to re-configure Council Chambers.

For more information, please contact: 

Bill Brown, Director of Development Services

Tel: 250-414-7146