Municipal services and infrastructure affected by COVID-19


News release

For immediate release

ESQUIMALT, BCAdded pressure on municipal infrastructure and services is emerging as a side effect of the efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19.

One area seeing this pressure is our waste stream. Several local governments are actively reminding residents that even “flushable” wipes, in fact, pose a significant risk to the sanitary collection system.

“With individuals and families doing their part by staying home, our systems are seeing a spike in use,” said Jeff Miller, Director of Engineering and Public Works. “We need to be mindful of how we’re treating the Township’s assets.”

Wipes cause pumps to be clogged and can create sewage overflows. Residents should note that the only thing that should be going into the sanitary system is human waste and toilet paper. Other household waste items need to be tied securely in garbage bags and disposed of in appropriate containers. Securely bagging household waste makes for easier disposal and more importantly helps keep workers away from potential germs.

In the most recent adjustment to Esquimalt’s municipal services, the yard and garden waste transfer station on Canteen Road has been closed due to lack of staffing associated with COVID-19. The yard is used by Esquimalt residents and is run by a contractor.

The Township is trying to determine how to get the service up and running in the current pandemic environment and ask that residents be patient while this happens.

For the time being, the Hartland landfill and other local services are available and listed on the CRD's MyRecyclopedia website ( Residents are advised to check with individual businesses to verify hours and access.

The Township requests that residents not drop off material at the Canteen Road site or conduct illegal dumping in parks or boulevards. The public is encouraged to consider composting at home and is reminded that outdoor burning is prohibited. More information on composting can be found at

For up to date information on the Township of Esquimalt’s response to COVID-19, go to



Media contact

Tara Zajac

Manager of Communications
