Online booking now available for building inspections


Inspections for building permits and plumbing permits can now be scheduled online. The Township’s new booking tool will show available dates. Clients may contact the inspector early in the morning on the day of the scheduled inspection to receive an estimated time of the inspector’s arrival.

Esquimalt currently has one building inspector on staff and the new tool will help streamline the booking process for both staff and users.


The township will be listening to feedback in this initial launch phase and will make adjustments where possible based on user comments. 

The Building Inspection Division of Community Safety Services:

  • Issues building, plumbing, demolition, and sign permits – The building inspector processes applications and reviews building plans to ensure compliance with the B.C. Building Code, and municipal bylaws, regulations, and policies.
  • Performs site inspections – Site inspections are required to determine that conditions set out in a building permit have been satisfied and they are performed at various stages of construction.  A final inspection is required upon completion of a project and before an occupancy permit can be issued.
Book an inspection