The Township of Esquimalt will be transitioning into its new garbage collection system starting on February 17th, 2014. An information session will be held on Thursday, February 6th to answer any questions regarding this new system.
What: Information Session #3 on Township Solid Waste Management Changes
Where: Council Chambers, Municipal Hall, 1229 Esquimalt Road
When: Thursday February 6th, 2014, 5:30 to 8:00 p.m.
The information session is a good opportunity to have your questions answered by Township staff members, and to pick up information on this new initiative.
Garbage Collection Transition Period
February 17 to 28:
Final unsorted garbage pickups and drop off of new bins to residents (a new bin for garbage, a new bin for kitchen scraps, and an under-the-sink bin to collect kitchen scraps in the home).
March 3 to 14:
First pickup of waste sorted into garbage bin (grey lid) and kitchen scraps bin (green lid). Bins must be placed curbside for pickup by new semi-automated trucks.
For more information, please go to .
For additional background, please see January 20, 2014 Council Agenda, pages 95 - 107.
For more information on the Township’s Solid Waste Management Program, please contact:
Jeff Miller, Director of Engineering and Public Works
Tel: 250-414-7108