Township seeks input on Esquimalt Gorge Park and Saxe Point Park projects


For immediate release

ESQUIMALT, BC—The Township of Esquimalt is another step closer to tapping into the community improvements provided by the $17 million-dollar McLoughlin Amenity Funds.

After two rounds of previous public engagement, Council reviewed the list of resulting projects and selected a number of these for additional engagement work. This new phase includes a focussed round of public engagement looking at two areas in particular: Saxe Point Park and Esquimalt Gorge Park.

The public’s feedback will help give direction to Esquimalt council on future project funding decisions for these parks. The public will also weigh in on draft design concepts for potential buildings and other new amenities in the parks.

There will be 2 open houses and one online survey to capture the public’s preferences. The open houses are from 6-8 p.m. on Wednesday, September 11 at Esquimalt Gorge Park and on Thursday, September 19 at the Esquimalt Recreation Centre. Child minding provided by Esquimalt Recreation staff at the September 19 event. All Esquimalt residents are strongly encouraged to come, as well as park users.

The projects for consideration are divided into themes:

Saxe Point Park

There are preliminary concept designs for the proposed boardwalk. The public is invited to share their thoughts on the preliminary concepts.

Esquimalt Gorge Park multi-purpose building

Staff are looking for feedback on preliminary design concepts, exterior features and programming ideas.

Esquimalt Gorge Park—long-range planning

This plan will help guide the future growth and use of the park. In this open house, the public is asked to share their thoughts on proposed future enhancements, for example picnic shelter or paddle boat dock.

Esquimalt Gorge Park—dog park

Park users will be asked to share their ideas on design for a fenced dog park.

The funds came as one-time contribution from the Capital Regional District and will be used for capital projects in waterfront parks, recreation facilities and public safety facilities. The contribution—which is to be used within the next four years—will not be spent on projects outside of these categories. Event details and the survey are available at


Tara Zajac, Communications Specialist