Expanding Early Childhood Programs at Esquimalt Recreation

We are hoping to expand our childcare programming here at Esquimalt Recreation Centre. Please complete this questionnaire to help inform our future service provision. Check all that apply.

  1. I am the parent of a child:

2. PRESCHOOL If you are interested in preschool for 3-5 year olds, what would be your preferred format? Check all that apply.

3. PRESCHOOL Our preschool program currently operates Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9 AM-1 PM for 3-5 year olds. We are considering opening registration on additional days. The potential schedule could open for the remaining months of this school year (April 3 – June 12 2025) and next year's school year would be (September 2025 - June 2026). Would you be interested in registering for (select all that apply):

4. CHILDMINDING Childminding is for children ages 0-5 with one staff member supervising free play, crafts, and reading while parents use the recreation facility (must stay in the building at all times).  Childminding services would be provided for a 2-hour window with registration open one week advance or drop-in if space is available. 

When would be your preferred time for childminding at Esquimalt Recreation Centre? Check all that apply.

If you would like a staff member to follow up with you regarding your submission please include your email address or phone number below. 

Personal information contained in this form is collected under Section 26 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will only be used for the form’s stated purpose. If you have any questions about the collection or use of your personal information, please contact the Corporate Officer at corporate.services@esquimalt.ca or 250-414-7135. More information can be found through our privacy policy.