
Duncan lives in West Bay with his spouse and two children who attend Ecole Victor Brodeur.
Duncan is a registered planner with a degree in Landscape Architecture and a Doctorate in Civil Engineering. As the principal of a small planning firm he has worked for 15+ years with councils, staff and residents across Canada to achieve consensus on complex issues like municipal climate policy and OCP reviews.
Duncan enjoys volunteering around Esquimalt: he’s a board member and volunteer for Rainbow Kitchen, a volunteer with Victoria Minor Hockey and sat on the Township’s Advisory Planning Commission from 2017 to 2022.
External appointments
CRD Arts Commission
CRD Regional Water Supply Commission
CRD Climate Action InterMunicipal Task Force
Greater Victoria Public Library Board
Municipal Insurance Association of British Columbia AGM (Alternate #2)
South Island Prosperity Partnership (Alternate)
South Island Reconciliation Advisory Committee (Alternate)
Internal appointments
Esquimalt Community Arts Hub
ETAG (Together Against Graffiti)
Environmental, Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee (Merged Committee) (Alternate)
School Liaison