Community Gardens

Esquimalt Commnunity GardensThe goals of the Community Gardens Policy are:         

  1. To support the Township of Esquimalt’s commitment to sustainability and food security. 
  2. To allow Esquimalt residents of all ages and backgrounds to garden in a community context where they can improve their quality of life and their natural environment.                                 

Anderson Park Community Garden

Anderson Park was selected as the first community garden in Esquimalt. The goal of the Anderson Park Community Garden is to create a demonstration of allotment gardening in one-tenth of the park space (approx. 300 sq. meters). The garden is managed by the Esquimalt Community Gardens Society.

Plots and Volunteers  

Plots have an annual membership fee of $50 which covers the basic expenses of maintaining the garden, such as water availability, pruning and insurance. Subsidies are available for low income families and individuals.  

The Society evaluates and selects members according to the following criteria:

  1. Esquimalt resident. 
  2. Reside in an apartment building or renter in a house and does not have access to a yard.
  3. Living radius to the garden. 
  4. Willingness to volunteer - which includes that the plot owner agrees to share responsibility with other members in the general up-keep and maintenance of the garden and participate in some public events (times are flexible). 
  5. Year round use of the plot (there will be workshops that teach winter and fall gardening). 

Esquimalt Community Gardens Society is expanding and are always looking for motivated plot members and volunteers. For more information please contact the Society directly by Email.

For the latest updates, visit the Esquimalt Community Gardens Society on Esquimalt Facebook Facebook.