The Township has been very active in the management of inflow and infiltration since 2005. From 2005 to 2009 the following steps were taken:
Relining of municipal mains (approximately 50% of 59 km)
- 11 pump stations upgraded
- A portable generator was installed for pump station operation during power outages
- 42 combined manholes were separated
In addition to the above, smoke testing was conducted on the entire collection system. This testing provided basic modeling of the sanitary collection system and also determined that:
- 63 storm services were possibly connected to sanitary mains
- 407 sanitary services were possibly connected to storm drains
- 47 catch basins were possibly connected to sanitary mains
- 111 combined manholes
From 2010 to 2015 the following work was completed:
- 47 catch basins were either disconnected from the sanitary main or confirmed that they were connected to the storm drain system
- 84 combined manholes were separated
- Five homes were dye tested (voluntary program) with all services showing negative to cross connections
Due to these efforts, the Townships I/I component of the sanitary flow has decreased by 15%. In 2005 the flow was 103,000 litres per hectare per day. By 2012 this flow was decreased to 87,500 litres per hectare per day. See figure below.