Information Update on Township Garbage Collection


Updated March 5th

Starting on Monday March 3, 2014, Township of Esquimalt Public Works crews will begin collecting sorted waste at the curbside. Residents are reminded to use the grey-lidded bin for garbage and the green-lidded bin for kitchen waste. The handles of the bins should face the road.

Those residents who have not received their new bins from the Township by pickup day may place their unsorted garbage at the curbside using their old bins.

Due to unforeseen delays in the delivery of new semi-automated trucks, it is possible that the sorted collection may initially need to be done using existing trucks, modified to include a large kitchen scraps container attached to the back of the vehicle. It is expected that the new trucks will be in service shortly.

For those residents who are concerned about the possibility of racoons or other animals getting into their bins, the Township will be providing bungee cords to fasten the lids shut. Cords are now available for pickup at municipal hall. 

To minimize the possibility of animals attempting to open waste bins, the Township recommends setting out your bins on the morning of pickup, rather than the night before.

For those residents who need assistance with their bins, the Township has developed a Residential Solid Waste Assistance Program. Read more about the program and download an application form here. Any residents unsure of where to place their bins for pick-up can contact the Public Works Department at 250-414-7108 to arrange for a site visit.

Using the CRD’s current estimate of organic waste in the Hartland Landfill, the Township will be diverting approximately 510 tonnes of waste material per year from the landfill. Kitchen scraps will be banned from the Hartland Landfill by January 1, 2015.

For more information, please visit .

For more information on the Township’s Solid Waste Management Program, please contact:

Jeff Miller, Director of Engineering and Public Works

Tel: 250-414-7108