Public Input Shapes Esquimalt’s Official Community Plan Review


Public input will be shaping Esquimalt’s Official Community Plan (OCP) as a result of a number of consultation efforts over the past several months.  

Phase 2 of the OCP Review included public input through a community forum on May 4th, an online and print survey from May 4th to 31st, and a concentrated consultation effort with local youth. In total, some 459 people participated in this consultation phase of the review.

A staff report was presented to Council on August 22, 2016 and staff was directed to give consideration to this input in developing new policies for the plan. 

Among the findings, participants felt that cycling infrastructure, heritage conservation, parks, business attraction, public safety, affordable housing and food systems were all high community priorities.

The complete analysis and summary of the public input (Phase 3) has also been completed and is available here.

The next opportunity for public input will be in early 2017.

The current plan was adopted in March 2007 and a review began in October 2015. It is important that the plan be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure it reflects the values and aspirations of the community. The OCP is a statement of the municipality’s goals and policies and is intended to provide direction for future growth and development. The updated plan is expected to be completed by late 2017.

For more information, please contact:
Bill Brown, Director of Development Services
Tel: 250-414-7146