Below are some of the questions residents have asked:
1. Why wasn’t I notified?
Residents will be notified if there is a threat to them. Not all felt earthquakes will cause a Tsunami. The Regional Tsunami Portal will help you understand your risk and how far inland you need to go to be safe if there is a warning. Capital Region Tsunami Information Portal
2. What are all the different types of notifications I receive?
Earthquake Early Warning System (EEWS) – Run by the Government of Canada, this system detects seismic activity and can provide seconds of warning before strong shaking begins. Alerts are sent out when the estimated magnitude is 5 or higher and are dependent on distance from earthquake. Canadian Earthquake Early Warning
Broadcast Intrusive Alerts (BC Emergency Alerting System) – The Province of BC issues alert via the Alert Ready system, which interrupts TV, radio, and compatible mobile devices for life-threatening emergencies, such as tsunamis, wildfires, and civil emergencies. However, earthquake alerts are not currently sent through this system. BC Emergency Alerts - Province of British Columbia
Environment Canada Alerts – Issues weather-related warnings, including extreme heat, heavy rainfall, winter storms, and other severe weather events. These alerts are available through the WeatherCAN app, Environment Canada’s website, and some are broadcast through the Alert Ready system. Alerts - Environment Canada
Local Government Alerts – Many municipalities use their own notification systems, such as text, phone, and email alerts, to inform residents of emergencies in their area. Esquimalt Alert will send out alerts if there is a local hazard that has the potential to impact health and safety of its residents. Esquimalt Alert | Corporation of the Township of Esquimalt
Informative social media posts – Some weather warnings require extra precautions, social media posts are used to let residents know how to protect themselves when Environment Canada has an alert or warning. For example, in a wind warning we recommend securing outside furniture and items, preparing for potential power outages and taking care in coastal areas. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram
3. Does Esquimalt have a notification system like Vic Alert?
Yes, to sign up for Esquimalt Alert please follow the link: Esquimalt Alert.
4. Where do I go if I’m evacuated?
You will be directed to a reception centre if you are evacuated and need a safe place to go. The Township will identify the location of the centre based on a number of factors including the type, time, location, and size of the event. The Township has agreements with a number of facilities that may be used for this purpose. We do not have a set “muster point” or “meeting point” because there is a possibility a particular facility may be unsafe or inaccessible following an emergency. Please check our website and social media channels for instruction. Evacuation staff will also provide this information if you are notified.
5. Why didn’t I hear the Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Esquimalt sirens?
The sirens are property of the Department of National Defense and the Township has no authority or jurisdiction to activate them. Local authorities received information from Emergency Management and Climate Readiness to begin undertaking evacuations of low lying areas and Esquimalt did so until the warning was cancelled.
It is important to note that the sirens are intended for base personnel ONLY and not Township residents. They are also used for ANY emergency on the base, not just a tsunami. Therefore, a siren does not mean you need to evacuate, it may mean that you need to shelter in place in your home or it may not impact the Township at all. We do benefit from the sirens by knowing something is happening, but it is important to check what type of emergency is occurring and what actions to take.
6. Where can I go for more information?
- Provincial information:,
- Regional Information:
- Earthquake information: