Township food drive enters twenty-fourth year


The Township and CUPE staff are collecting food in support of Esquimalt

Neighbourhood House.

The food drive takes place two ways: people can drop off non-perishable items at the municipal hall, Public Works Yard, Archie Browning Sports Centre or the Esquimalt Rec Centre during business hours from November 24 to December 20.

Residents can also leave donations out to be picked up. On normal garbage pickup days, residents can place non-perishable food items in bags labelled “food drive.” A separate vehicle will pick up the donation.

Pick-up schedule

  • South side: Dec 4-8
  • North side: Dec 11-15

Last year, the Township collected 5 vans full of food (about 4,300 lbs) and other donations, including $5,000 given to ENH by the Esquimalt Fire Fighters Association.

Esquimalt Neighbourhood House Society serves the Esquimalt community by providing several important services to children, youth, adults, families, and seniors—about 1,700 households a year.

Services include food distribution, early years and family resource programs; pre- and post-natal services; mental health and supportive counselling for adults; youth and family support; as well as help for seniors to remain living independently in their home. Learn more.

Demand for help with food has steadily increased over the past three years—initially due to impacts of COVID, but now the cost of living is impacting food security for many people.

Food donation wish list

Peanut Butter



Baked Beans

Pasta, uncooked


Pasta Sauce

Canned salmon, tuna, ham

Tomato Sauce

Canned Fruit


Canned Veggies


Instant Noodles


Breakfast Cereal

Canned beans



Apple Sauce

Hot Chocolate

Granola Bars



Gluten-free items

Powdered Milk

Almond Milk

Pancake Mix and Syrup

Coconut Milk


Evaporated Milk
