Esquimalt wins award for Gorge Park Pavilion

Esquimalt, B.C.— BC Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA) presented its Facility 

Excellence Award for capital projects over $3 million to the Township of Esquimalt for the Gorge Park Pavilion. 


“The award recognizes outstanding facility design that reflects community culture, is innovative in addressing community needs, is accessible to all patrons, serves as a community gathering hub, incorporates green design elements to reduce or eliminate negative impacts on the environment, and ultimately enhances the well-being of the community,” said BCRPA in its media release. Read the full release


Since its opening in 2022, the 6,000+ square foot facility has been in high demand for several types of events and programming. The Township holds classes like yoga and art as part of recreation services. The facility is also used for special collaborative events like Royal Roads University’s Climate Canvas: A Community Art Project. The picturesque building and grounds have also been popular for weddings and other private events. 


Low-energy design details include 126 high-efficiency solar panels capable of meeting 50 per cent of the building’s annual power needs. The building uses heat pumps for heating and cooling rather than gas or other means.  


The Township continues to work on incorporating both First Nations and Japanese elements to the site to better represent the park’s legacy and significance. Staff are in the early stages of working with community partners on a collaborative art piece which will reflect both Japanese and First Nations engagement.    


Visitors can view the recently unveiled interpretive panels and exhibits that help reflect the history of the tea house. These panels are the latest phase of the Japanese Garden History and Art Project led by the Past Wrongs, Future Choices and the Victoria Nikkei Cultural Society in collaboration with the Township.  


“We are so proud to see this park once again be a community hub and place where so many are making memories,” said Mayor Barbara Desjardins. “We also recognize, however, that there is still work to be done on telling the story of the park so that visitors understand the full context of the Indigenous and Japanese ties to the site.” 


“We are honoured that BCRPA selected our facility for this award, and we recognized the significance this facility plays in bringing our community together,” said Steve Knoke, Director of Parks and Recreation for the Township of Esquimalt.    


The Esquimalt Gorge Pavilion is at 1170 Tillicum Road and is accessible by bike, car, foot and bus. Find rental information at  



Project background  

In January 2017, the CRD and the Township of Esquimalt agreed on an amenity funding package associated with locating the wastewater treatment plant at McLoughlin Point. A one-time CRD contribution of $17 million—the McLoughlin Point Amenity Reserve Funds—will be used for capital projects in waterfront parks, recreation facilities, and a public safety facility. Residents expressed an interest in a revitalised community hub through a multi-phase public engagement process.  


Residents’ survey results from public engagement efforts indicated a preference for banquet/rental hall/cultural ceremonial space, community program space, food staging area and interpretive/educational space. The building opened in June 2022. 



More information  

·         Esquimalt First Nation 

·         Songhees First Nation 

·         Victoria Nikkei Cultural Society 

·         Past Wrongs, Future Choices 

·         Gorge Park Pavilion 




Gorge Pavilion in the evening with gardens
Gorge Pavilion in the evening with gardens
Uminari Taiko at Gorge Pavilion 2022
Uminari Taiko at Gorge Pavilion 2022
Gorge Pavilion grand opening with Lekwungen Dancers
Gorge Pavilion grand opening with Lekwungen Dancers
Gorge Pavilion entryway
Gorge Pavilion entryway
Gorge Pavilion teahouse mural
Gorge Pavilion teahouse historical mural
Gorge Pavilion outside corner
Gorge Pavilion outside corner
Gorge Pavilion lower hall
Gorge Pavilion lower hall
Gorge Pavilion at night with solar panels
Gorge Pavilion with solar panels visible