McLoughlin Amenity Funds

We are pleased to be moving forward with our projects:

Public safety building construction

Building design and site planning

The township is working on the plan for building site abatement, temporary work spaces for Victoria Police and Esquimalt Fire Department staff as well as building construction plans. Learn more.

Waterfront park improvements

Esquimalt Gorge Park Pavilion

The contract for construction was awarded in August, 2020. Construction began mid-September, 2020 and completed June 2022. 

Click to enlarge:


As part of the construction, there will be limited access to the main parking lot and minimal parking to allow room for crews and equipment.

Residents can access the park via Sioux Place and park near the access road. Drivers are asked to respect all local parking regulations.

After adjustments were made to the design concepts based on public feedback and Committee direction, a revamped plan went to Council on November 18, 2019. To see the full designs in addition to the adjusted site plan, please review the October 22 meeting materials. The Committee of the Whole reviewed the engagement report and design concepts on October 22, 2019.

2019 engagement sessions:

How was the community consulted?

After undertaking two rounds of public engagement, we used the resulting community feedback to create a list of themed projects to consider for funding using the McLoughlin Point Amenity Reserve Funds

We looked at two areas in particular for the following round of public engagement: Saxe Point and Esquimalt Gorge Park. Your feedback gave direction to Esquimalt council on project funding decisions for these parks.

Prior steps in the McLoughlin Amenity Funds project

After undertaking two rounds of public engagement, we were able to use the resulting community feedback to create a list of themed projects to consider for funding. At a high level, project ideas had to benefit the entire community; meet diverse community needs; achieve multiple purposes and uses; support healthy lifestyle choices and connect people to each other and the natural environment.

At the March 25, 2019 Special Committee of the Whole, Council reviewed the list of projects identified during the two rounds of public engagement and selected the following projects for additional work and analysis. Read the meeting minutes for all the details. 

Projects under consideration

Waterfront parks

  • Acquire new parkland
  • Multi-purpose venue integrating a possible Japanese Tea House concept at Esquimalt’s Gorge Park
  • Boardwalk and/or pathway connections at Saxe Point Park
  • Dog-related enhancement at Esquimalt’s Gorge Park and/or Macaulay Point Park
  • Enhanced lookout areas at Macaulay Point Park on Township property

Downtown recreation facilities

  • Existing field upgrades
  • Washrooms fieldhouse/changerooms at Bullen Park
  • Indoor courts
  • Track/trail infrastructure
  • Artificial turf field
  • Additional multipurpose space with inclusion of arts/cultural studio/gallery
  • Picnic facilities
  • Climbing wall
  • Youth recreation opportunities 

Downtown Emergency Services & Public Safety facilities

  • Emergency Coordination Centre
  • Community multipurpose space: public meeting rooms and arts & culture space
  • Multi-use considerations to include housing and commercial space

Project background

In January 2017, the CRD and the Township of Esquimalt agreed on an amenity funding package associated with locating the wastewater treatment plant at McLoughlin Point. A one-time CRD contribution of $17 million—the McLoughlin Point Amenity Reserve Funds—will be used for capital projects in waterfront parks, recreation facilities, and a public safety facility. 

Project ideas should benefit the entire community, meet diverse community needs, achieve multiple purposes and uses, support healthy lifestyle choices, and connect people to each other and the natural environment.

Find out more about the public engagement process and schedule here, and details on the McLoughlin Amenity Funds here.

Stay informed throughout the process! 

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  • Sign up for email notification.
  • Provide your comments on this project using our web form.